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Aphaenogaster miamiana Wheeler

Aphaenogaster miamiana, full face view of worker (click image to enlarge).
Aphaenogaster miamiana, profile view of worker (click image to enlarge).
Ants in the genus Aphaenogaster are medium sized to large, slender with long legs and antennae, usually have propodeal spines (a few species lack spines), have 12 segmented antennae with the last 4 segments forming a weak club. The genus is widespread in North America and species nest in rotting wood, under bark, and in soil.

Aphaenogaster miamiana is in the very difficult Aphaenogaster fulva-rudis-texana group. It is similar to both A. carolinensis and A. fulva in our area, but most specimens of workers have wider heads and darker coloration of the body, with many specimens approaching black. Aphaenogaster miamiana is also similar to A. rudis and A. picea, but has larger eyes, and has a southern coastal plain distribution, whereas both A. rudis and A. picea are found at higher elevations in mountainous areas.

Biology and Economic Importance


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